

Texto completo del memorándum secreto que Trump ordenó desclasificar a pesar de protestas del FBI

#ElMundoSegún Rex Tillerson inicia gira en México

Jorge Lara, former deputy Attorney General of the PGR, analyzes with Ana Maria Salazar the visit of the secretary Rex Tillerson to Mexico which seems to focus on security issues

#Trump está pidiendo un fondo de 25 mil mdd, que no sólo se utilizará para el muro @Amsalazar en #ElHeraldoNoticias @Cachoperiodista @Almasaintmartin.

¿Habrá alguaciles de EE.UU. en vuelos mexicanos?

Marco Fernandez Professor at the School of Govenment and reasearcher at Mexico Evalua analyses the need for a constitutional reform to appoint the new Fiscal General

Talking about the Fourth Bid of Round 2 with energy expert Miriam Grunstein

Update about the current status of NAFTA negotiations with Moises Kalach

“Air Marshals”, el costo de pertenecer a América del Norte