
News Summary for November 18th, 2009

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  1. Hello ana maria

    This night i was hearing your radio show while i was driving home after a long day at work, I am an It administrator at a maquila in a city in north mexico, i've had been in the information tecnology bussiness for quite a long time, and happens that indirectly (by an IRC chat channel) i met some of the hackers that attacked the goverment webpages this week.

    In the radio show you spoke with a symantec guy, who told you that almost any webpage can be hacked with the right tools, he also spoke about how some security software can protect the webpages from this kind of attacks, and i dont blame him, his job is to sell some kind of security to their clients.

    But is not true, sadly most of the webpages that had been hacked wwere badly administrated webpages, with serious security holes, that even with the kind of security that the symantec guy spoke about they went down.

    Most of the servers that hosted those webpages ran some microsoft operating system, most of them use some kind of security, and most of them where hacked, so the issue is not the security software, the issue here is the administration policy in those webpages.

  2. Ana, me caes muy bien, recien me mude a Monterrey y tus programas son de mis favoritos, solo que no supe a donde escribirte esta sugerencia. No me la tomes a mal por favor.
    Cada vez que escucho tu programa en ingles, se me hace un exceso la pronunciación de tu pagina de internet, diciendo: doliu...dobliu...dobliu...anamariasalzar, dot com
    Esto lo repites muchas veces y a veces he estado a nada de cambiarle, se que no deberia de fijarme tanto en detalles, y creeme que habia evitado enviarte un mensaje como este, pero anoche pense que lo haria esta mañana. Los que estamos en linea, sabemos que es innecesario decir "dobliu...dobliu...dobliu" y ademas en inglés, para los que lo "masticamos" un poquito o hemos vivido en US sabemos que para dar la direccion de una pagina de internet...ya nadie dice: "dobliu...dobliu...dobliu..." etc etc. Espero que no me tomes a mal la sugerncia.
    Saludos, y seguimos.


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